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Nepali Typing (Preeti and Nepali Unicode) Keyboard Layout

Tutor Chetan

Nepali Font Keyboard Layout

Preeti Font Keyboad Layout

Nepali Unicode Keyboad Layout

Are you new to learn and Practice Nepali Typing Language but facing so many problems with keyboard layout. Then don't worry, I/m here to guide you to learn the Nepali Typing.

You can learn Nepali Typing in Two (2) different ways:

Latest trends to learn Nepali Typing in current time is Nepali Unicode Romanized Typing Layout. If you are new to Learn the Nepali Typing then this Layout of Nepali Typing is easier to learn and useful in daily life. For this you need to Download Nepali Unicode Romanized Utility Software from the web and install in you Computer/Laptop. Then you can switch your language to Nepali Unicode and Start to learn Nepali Typing.
Another way of Nepali Typing is the older style of Nepali Typing. You need to work hard to learn the Nepali Typing in Older Style. Preeti, Sagarmatha, Kantipur, Rukmini,Fontasy Himalayan TT etc are the example of Nepali Font which you can used in your text for Nepali Typing.
You can choose any of the Nepali Typing Layout to Learn Nepali Typing. I have provided you all required material of Keyboard Layout for the Typing Style. You can go through any one of the process. You can download the keyboard layout PDF from the link given. 

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